Privacy Statement for CogNETive Pty Ltd

CogNETive Pty Ltd
has created this statement to demonstrate our commitment to privacy. We take your privacy seriously and value it as if it were our own. Thank you for your involvement in our services and be assured your participation will not be taken for granted.

In order to clarify our stance on privacy, the following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website.

Research Panel

Our site's Panel registration form requires users to give us contact information (like their name and email address) and demographic information (like their age and gender). We use this Panel contact information (email address) from the registration form to send the Panel member information about surveys. Panel members may opt-out of receiving future mailings by deleting their memberships. All data is confidential and provided to clients at an aggregate level.

Ad Hoc Studies

Our online surveys may ask visitors for contact information and demographic information and this information is used to contact them when necessary. Users may opt-out of surveys. Again, all data is confidential and provided to clients at an aggregate level.

All information will be used for research purposes only. No information will be used for subsequent non-research purposes such as direct marketing, list-building, credit rating, fund-raising or other marketing activities.

Information Collected
Often in our studies we collect general information that cannot personally identify you such as date and time of visit; browser used; operating system; site path etc. This information is used to continually improve our services and gain a better understanding of internet users.

Although the collection of your personal information will be voluntary at all times, you will need to provide personal information in order to participate in certain promotions, receive product information, join our Panels, or in situations where it is necessary to verify your completed questionnaire.

We reserve the right to use, retain or disclose any information as needed to satisfy any law, regulation or legal request, to protect the integrity of the site, to fulfil your requests, or to cooperate in any legal investigation.

Cookies may be used by us and/or our clients in some studies to enable us to identify your machine as a unique visit and enable us to conduct some statistical sampling techniques to our studies. They may collect information such as how long you have spent on a web site or page, what pages you have been to, and how many times you have been to the site. However, we do not use them to collect any personally identifiable information.

It is possible to disable the use of cookies by adjusting the accept cookies setting in your Browser. However, this may affect the functionality of other web sites.

A Special Note to Parents Regarding Children
We are especially mindful of the need for children who may visit this site to consult with their parents before furnishing personal information or performing one of our studies. In areas where we may collect information from children under 16, we incorporate special notices urging kids to obtain parental permission before providing any information, and urge you to monitor and supervise your children's Internet activities.

We also ask children under the age of 16 to provide a separate parent's e-mail address or fax number, so that we can contact the parent to notify them of our privacy policy. Anytime we perform studies with children under 16, personal information will not be shared with or sold to third parties. Upon proper identification, parents may review the personal information we have collected about the child, request deletion, or refuse to allow further collection or use.

We also recommend that you, as parents, monitor your children's on-line activities and learn about and use software or other tools that can help you assure that your child experiences the fun and entertainment of an on-line experience in a manner that reflects your own preferences.

Site Links
This site, and often our online surveys, contain links to other sites. CogNETive is not responsible for the privacy practices and/or the content of such websites. This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. These measures include such things as passwords, and other security measures to guarantee the privacy of our members.

How To Opt-Out
Our site provides users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications and alter their details by providing the ability to delete their accounts. This site gives users the ability to remove their information from our database, to not receive future communications, or to no longer receive our service. All this is done by sending us your instructions to

This Privacy Statement is not intended to create a contract or agreement between CogNETive Pty Ltd and any user providing information on our site and/or studies.

CogNETive Pty Ltd is committed to taking all the necessary steps to comply with this Privacy Statement, but nothing in this statement is intended to hold CogNETive liable.

Privacy Statement Amendments
In order to continually protect your privacy, we reserve the right to amend this Statement at any time for any reason. It is the responsibility of the user to frequently check this Privacy Statement.

Questions About This Policy

This Privacy Statement includes all the issues raised in our Survey Privacy Statement. We encourage you to also read this document.

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, you can contact us at

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